
KirbyandtheRainbowCurse,knowninPALregionsasKirbyandtheRainbowPaintbrush,isaplatformingvideogameintheKirbyseries,developedbyHAL ...,Thisnon-transferrablediscountentitlesyoutoreceiveaone-time30%discountoffthepurchasepriceofKirbyandtheRainbowCurse(WiiU)fromNintendo ...,KirbyandtheRainbowCursetellsacuteandcharmingstoryinthefluffiestwaywhilechallengingplayerstogetovertheirinitialfrustrationsofarare...

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, known in PAL regions as Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush, is a platforming video game in the Kirby series, developed by HAL ...

30% Discount on Kirby and the Rainbow Curse™ (Wii U)

This non-transferrable discount entitles you to receive a one-time 30% discount off the purchase price of Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Wii U) from Nintendo ...

Kirby & The Rainbow Curse

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse tells a cute and charming story in the fluffiest way while challenging players to get over their initial frustrations of a rare ...


Looking to track down every Treasure Chest in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse? We'll show you the location of every single one!